Collection info


Collection info

collection name"ir"
is public?true
is beta?false
use realistic book?false
build date"1495065452"
interface languages
collection metadata
DSpace-style Institutional Repository ... There are _numdocs_ in the collection.
enDSpace-style Institutional Repository ... There are _numdocs_ in the collection.
DSpace repository clone
enDSpace repository clone
format info
CL2VList<td valign=\"top\">[link][icon][/link]</td> {If}{[numleafdocs], <td>([numleafdocs])</td><td>[Title]</td>, <!-- else --> <td></td><td valign=\"top\">[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]</td><td valign=\"top\">[highlight] {Or}{[ds.Author],Unknown author} [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],<br><i>([ex.Source])</i>}</td> }
VList<td valign=\"top\">[link][icon][/link]</td> <td valign=\"top\">[ex.srclink]{Or}{[ex.thumbicon],[ex.srcicon]}[ex./srclink]</td> <td valign=\"top\">[highlight] {Or}{[ds.Title],[dc.Title],[ex.Title],Untitled} [/highlight]{If}{[ex.Source],<br><i>([ex.Source])</i>}</td>
building info
number of documents"13"
number of sections"13"
number of words"0"
number of bytes"127980"
preferred receptionist""

Filter options for "BrowseFilter"

option nametyperepeatabledefault valuevalid values
"EndResults" integer one per query "-1" "-1", "10000"
"ParentNode" string one per query ""
"StartResults" integer one per query "1" "1", "10000"

Filter options for "NullFilter"

option nametyperepeatabledefault valuevalid values

Filter options for "QueryFilter"

option nametyperepeatabledefault valuevalid values
"AccentFold" boolean one per term "false" "false", "true"
"Casefold" boolean one per term "true" "false", "true"
"CombineQuery" enumerated one per query "and" "and", "or", "not"
"EndResults" integer one per query "10" "-1", "1000"
"FilterString" string one per query ""
"Fuzziness" string one per query ""
"Index" enumerated one per term "idx" "idx"
"IndexField" enumerated one per term "TX" "TX", "TI"
"Language" enumerated one per term ""
"Level" enumerated one per term "Sec" "Sec", "Doc"
"" boolean one per query "Sec"
"MatchMode" enumerated one per query "some" "some", "all"
"Maxdocs" integer one per query "200" "-1", "1000"
"QueryType" enumerated one per query "ranked" "boolean", "ranked"
"SortField" enumerated one per query ""
"SortOrder" enumerated one per query "ascending" "ascending", "descending"
"StartResults" integer one per query "1" "1", "1000"
"Stem" boolean one per term "false" "false", "true"
"Subcollection" enumerated one per term ""
"Term" string one per term ""