
Physical qualities

We simulate a hard-cover book with a rounded spine, rounded cover edge, and aspect ratio (width v. height) of 5:6.

Rounded spine Hard cover
Figure 1
Rounded cover edge

Pages are bound into the cover. They are grouped into bundles (technically called "signatures"), each attached to the binding in red. Striations indicate the outer page edges.

Attachment of signatures
Striation pattern on page edges

Pages are transparent and can have markers along the outer edges, usually representing chapter divisions (though there are other possibilities). Pages can be stained.

Semi-transparent, slightly dirty, page Chapter openings marked on outer edges

Modeling Page-turns

The page curvature varies as you grab different parts of the page.

Grabbing the top corner Grabbing the middle
Grabbing the bottom corner

You can turn many pages together.

Interactive features

These videos demonstrate the interactive features supported by the 3-D book visualizer.

Performance features

There is tension between the quality of the images used in the mapping and the time taken to generate all the book's pages as high resolution images. Progessive refinement (16.8 Mb) is used. In an initial pass, the cover is generated at high resolution and all the pages are rendered at low resolution. Then, in pre-emptive fashion, key pages are generated at progressively higher resolutions. Then pages that precede and follow these key pages are also refined.

Whenever you turn to another point in the book, a new key point of the highest priority is created if the images at that position have not already been defined.